- 3 free range eggs
- 2 free range eggs
- 300 gr gluten free rice flour
- 150 mg coconut oil
- 250 gr of your Aya Pacha Cacao Paste
- 150 gr grated Orange peel
- 200ml Orange Juice
-200 gr
- 100ml oat milk
- 200gr Berries Preparation dilute your AyaPacha Cacao Paste in a water bath, use half in the mixture, beat vigorously by hand or at medium speed all the ingredients, obtaining a smooth mixture without haze, preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade, prepare a 30cm mold and greasing it and flour it, pour the contents of the mixture into the mold with a spatula and put it to bake for 40 minutes, remove it from the oven, let it cool, cut it into two halves and fill it with a mixture of berries that have previously been caramelized with honey, or the sugar of your preference, pour a layer of Ayapacha cacao with the berries as a layer in the middle and place the other part of the cake. For decoration, cover with the rest of AyaPacha Cacao Pastey on top, add caramelised orange pieces.
1) Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
2) Melt the Cacao paste at low heat in a water bath (Cacao in a pan inside a pan filled with water).
3) Mix in a bowl the rest of ingredients together with 125g of Aya Pacha Cacao paste until well integrated.
4) Grease with coconut oil and flour a mold to add your mix
5) Bake for 40 minutes
6)Remove from the oven and let cool on a rack
7) Add the maple syrup to a pan at minimum heat. After some minutes add the Orange peels and berries to caramelize those,
8) Cut the cake horizontally into halves and fill it the caramelized mix with the rest of Aya Pacha melted Paste in the middle and then close the cake again.
9) To decorate your cake, cover it with the rest of AyaPacha Cacao Paste and the caramelized mix.
Celebrate with love and gratitude the magic you've just created!
Playful Darkness
Awaken Creativity with the Cascade of flavors that Pacha Mama embodies