Explore how Medicinal Plants and Ancient Wisdom can empower your human journey

crescent moon

Soul Blueprint Session

Explore the energies that you are here to express wildly

Remember your Ancient allies to co-create your life

Activate your purpose with Cholq'ij Ancestral technology

Your 121 Session includes:

  • Support Visual Material to integrate your energy

  • Recording to navigate the content at your pace

  • Cacao Medicine to receive the reading and for your further heart activation work at home

  • Integration support via email + voice messages for 22 days after your session

Sacred Reciprocity: £130

Mayan Energy System Reading

Love web Blueprint: Session for Couples

Explore your energetic polarities to know how to best navigate your energetic design to co-create from ease, purpose and joy.

Sacred Reciprocity: £222

After paying for your session you'll receive an email to complete your booking. If you haven't, reach out to +44 7411220030 or email me to: psychomagichealing@ayapachacacao.com and I'll sort it out for you.

121 Womb Empowerment journey

This is a 9 Months 1:1 container for transformation through embodiment practices and self-connection. You'll be held with Ancient practices, my guidance and Plant Medicines to connect and empower your feminine cycle.

Includes: 1 session monthly to receive guidance for the month ahead, PDF and audio resources to navigate the process. Online Cacao circles. Full support via voice messages and emails through sessions.

Self-Love Investment £111 / session

Unravel the Mysteries of the Womb space through 9 sessions navigated at your rhythm.
You'll learn to heal with Herbal Medicine and the support of the Medicine of the heart: Cacao made in my Shamanic Lab in Ecuador.
Learn how to work with Master Plants to heal your body. Every session we'll work with one of the 4 different women that inhabit you, we'll navigate the shamanic concept of the Medicine Wheel as we unravel the Mysteries of your Venus, your Lilith. We'll integrate your light and dark with the support of your Astral Design.
Our work together includes meditations, activations, embodiment practices and material to keep unfolding your self-healing at home.

1:1 Mycrodosing Coaching Journey

The number of sessions for this modality will depend on the unfoldment of your journey. A minimun of one session per is suggested at the beginning to set your journey with clear direction and intention.

Including PDF and audio resources to navigate the process.

Sacred Investment £88 / session

While you are already the embodiment of an energetic Mastery, Plant Medicines are powerful Ancient Spirits embodied in Plants containers with the capacity to empower your journey into Soul alignment.

My program can be taken with either Cacao to be posted worldwide (produced with Cacao from our Sanctuary in Ecuador) or Mushrooms depending on the availability of this medicine where you are.

You'll be guided to perform a Herbal Cleanse to prepare your body to RECEIVE the power plant from a cleaner space.

You'll have all the instructions through online material to include these practices as part of your self-care practices

We'll focus the journey in one area of your life where you are ready to ELEVATE with my support and that of Ancient Wisdom, Astrology and the Plants Realms.

blue and white jelly fish

121 9 months Coaching Program

Application Required, We'll discover if we are a Match

Unlimited Voice Messages and Email Support through the 9 months container

Unlimited Access to my online healing programs while navigating your journey with me

We'll create your unique road Map to empower your own Magic.

YOUR Self-Investment: £1300/month

If you choose to pay in full you'll have a 40% discount on my NEXT in-person retreat in Ecuador!

As a graduated Chemical Engineer who released herself from pharmaceutical drugs at 20 years old, as a Yoga and Tantra teacher working closely with the energetics of the mind (Msc. Mindfulness studies) I'm prepared to guide your journey into wellness empowerment. Your body is perfectly designed to HEAL organically under the perfect conditions, we'll create those together along 9 months of transformation.

My purpose with this program is for you to ACTIVATE your Alchemist Archetype.

You may wonder What does this mean? Well, My intention is to offer you 130% of my personal guidance day by day for you to learn about the Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Embodiment and Tantric practices for you to UNLEASH your full potential to HEAL yourself.

This is the only program (apart from my in-person retreats) in which you'll have full access to my guidance in any form you require to unlock your healing journey to your NEXT level.

How is this going to look like?

We'll begin unravelling your Energetic design with a Soul Blueprint Session, working with your unique Astrological system using different Ancient technologies. This will allow me to design an energetic plan that matches your particular needs to balance your polarities.

We'll meet twice every month to ACTIVATE aspects of your energetic design ready to be empowered

Unravel your energetic architecture. Be coached to release limitations to embody your wild spiritual design (limited spaces available). LET GO of unprocessed energy (trauma imprints) limitations to RECEIVE your Soul back home.
Unlock the power of your Creative Womb space, CONNECT and ELEVATE your Sexual Energy to feed your Service Practice pulsing from your deepest heart desires. Learn to co-create Alchemy with the energetic influences of your Astrological charts to MOVE and FEEL aligned to your SOUL.

Discover your Soul Blueprint

You are ready for Soul Embodiment...

A soft, yet profound, journey with Herbal Medicines to prepare space to receive Cacao Medicine, everything with the purpose of releasing what does not belong to your Soul Blueprint. You'll be working with your Energy System from the perspective of the Mayan Calendar.

Are a highly Sensitive Soul constantly feeling for the world, filling yourself with energies around you? Are you ready to let go of what is not yours to TRUST in your LIFE FORCE like never before? Are YOU ready to unlock your INNATE gifts? Are you ready to FEEL confident of WHO you are?

Have you ever felt disconnected from your Creative Nature? Have you experienced difficulty to stay present in your body space? Because you learn that it was to painful, to dangerous to be inside your body, Maybe you have even experienced Sexual Abuse in the past or maybe you just feel called to release your Womb from old energies that are not yours, either from others or Ancestral patterns limiting the full expression of your Soul, remember, your Womb is magnetic and learning to release your container is a practice that will support your flow for life, impacting directly in your capacity of manifesting what you really dream of through the purest desire of your energetic design

Do you feel ready to GROUND your human experience deeper in your own WILD and Spiritual NATURE? Are YOU ready to RELEASE any sort of Energy Vampires as you upgrade your SACREDBOUNDARIES, Releasing energetic Attachments, old Soul contracts and Sexual Energies from others Are you READY to OWN your Energy at a WHOLE new level, regardless of what happens in your external world?IF your ANSWER was a FULL BODY YES!!!

Let me guide you into a journey of deeper intimacy with the energy you embody, through Ancient Wisdom, Authentic Plant Medicine Connection and Sisterhood Alchemical Connection

My 1st program with a full focus on connecting your Sexual Energy from your Womb/Dantien to elevate your heart intelligence, for Men and Women. You can purchase the full 2023 program HERE NOW or join the Next opening: August 2024 for a two-month container live experience.

Apply Here to access early bird exchange


Organically with Herbal Medicine

We'll journey together for one month. You'll receive the instructive material to perform your own alchemical work as I guide you through a Soothing yet Profound journey with the Plants Realm in preparation for deeper work with Master Plants


Deeper layers of your Energy

With Shamanic Astrology and Mayan Cosmology. I'll support you back into the feminine and masculine integration of Time and Space. We'll work with your particular energy configuration to rediscover who you are in essence and how to empower the energies you embody through ritual and mama Natures Connection.


With your study material, we'll navigate a soft, still deeply empowering herbal cleanse for 52 days.

Half way, once the container is cleaner, we'll introduce 22 days of Cacao devotional practice to elevate your life force to your heart space.

I'll offer guidelines for you to navigate a self-healing journey within a safe container, with the intention that you integrate these practices as part of your self-care routines along the year cycle. Choosing preventive medicine minimize the need of reparative medicine.

You'll Receive resources and guidance, material and understandings, for you to navigate your own herbal cleanse journey with my guidance and a sisterhood container holding and empowering together for 2 months. Next starting 20th 2024.

You'll receive recorded material to navigate and support your journey.

With the support of an Alchemical Container

I'll guide you through acknowledging, releasing and transforming your sacred bodies of Water, your emotional body
So that you can own once again your Sexual Energy, your Creative power

Included in your Journey

  • Access to all your material in one place: 2x instructive manuals, 3x recipe guides, 2x audio meditations

  • 8 Online sessions

  • AYA Pacha Cacao Medicine Box

  • Private group to share, support and celebrate your journey

  • Medicinal Self-Healing material to deepen the connection with your Womb and Heart: Herbal Cleanse Manual, Cacao Recipes to tap into the Cosmic Energies Dayli. Manual, and Juice Cleanse recipes, to support your Medicinal Flow

  • Sexual Energy Release Meditation to purify and elevate

  • 1 121 Energy reading to adapt the journey to your Soul blueprint that you'll be able to book ASAP as you book your place.

Online calls

We'll be working with Ancestral Energies as our guides. Our journey will start with the blessing of the Heart. We'll move tapping together to Universal Energies that will support our human Alchemy

Online journeys from 07/2024

During 8 weeks from 20/04/2024, we'll journey every Saturday starting with a centring meditation and a short Master Class of 15-20 minutes followed by activation and closing with sharing circle to integrate our energy work and answer questions.

Every other week we'll have a Shamanic Cacao-sharing circle to expand and ground the insights you'll be finding through the released material. All this is followed by a short embodiment practice.

Around these 8-weeks we will be exploring the following:

Saturday 20th Opening Ritual. Release of journey instructions and Materials (8 TIJAX)

Your fertility is a DOORWAY to Goddess energy. Energetics of Feminine and Masculine Sexual Energy

Connecting your Visionary mind to your heart. Guided Meditation to CONNECT

Relating with your Sacred Waters. Deeper with your heart desires. Guided Ritual to RELEASE.

A new relationship with your fertility. Planting intentions, holding peace for BLOSSOMING

Final session and Medicinal Closing: 8 June 2024.

Each cycle we'll be planting Seeds for deeper connection with your body temple through Ritual and Food~Medicine, rooted in the curiosity of your Cosmic Self-Discovery

We began with a Seed from the heart, taken to the Stars to understand the energetic map of who we are reflecting an ancient light that blessed our life with her own fertility allowance. We'll connect with the fertility of our lineage, human and galactic. Alchemy blossoms through the authentic fertility of our Soul Blueprint through Knowingness We'll dream our higher Vision into Reality


Sacred Reciprocity

Do you want to be part but are experiencing manifestation blockages? ***Get in touch to psychomagichealing@ayapachacacao.com to apply for scolarships

£444 Early birth until 13th of May. Payment plans are available upon booking your space to be completed before we begin our journey.

£555 Regular price from 20th of April.
** Your exchange includes a 1 121 Mayan reading Session with Me to personalize your journey to your energetic design

Permanent Promo: Moms + daughters 10 % off for each

AYA Pacha Cacao Ambassadors can join any time as part of their continuous education journey with us.

A bite of my Path as a Healer Artist

I believe that each One of us are a perfect fractal of the Heart (Matrix) of the Universe. Equipped with everything we need to live a successful life. Elements of Nature are allies in the human journey through Gaia to come back into balance and to deeply nurture and heal your minds and bodies by enlightening your Soul to the magic that beholds the present Moment with all the possibilities available for you. 

I am a walkin soul, which mean that my soul was not born in my body. My galactic name is Amaru Kamaya and I walked into my body temple when I was 23 years old. My soul is a High Priestess of Gaia holding codes of Sarah, daughter of Mary Magdalene and Lord Sananda, also known as Jesus. I behold the remembrance from The Mystery School of Isis, as well as other religious sources of knowledge from different lifetimes. I am a bridge in between worlds. In ancient times I would be called a Shaman, one of those who hold the energetic sensitivity for the whole tribe. The ability of sharing connection in between the Stars and Pacha Mama. Now at days I'll be called a Psychedelic Facilitator. One that has deeply discover her inner alchemist and healer through sacred connection with medicines of Mother Earth for then to hold space for the transformation of other psychonauts and explorers of the eternal consciousness. 

I believe we all can awaken these archetypes and any other during our human experience through conscious choice. Then, practice will allow the mastery of any pathway you decide to walk. I am passionate about guiding and helping others to awaken their own Healing Magic.

The recognition of our own gifts and talents is needed and coherent action is required for us to fulfil our purpose, the gift we offer to Gaia and to humanity in Sacred Reciprocity for the beautiful human experience on Mother Earth. My gift for Gaia is to be a heart activator because of the codes coming from my soul essence. My humanity took me into a wild ride through healing with the power of Pacha Mama and the rest of the Sacred Elements. 

I believe that you can awaken your own magic through Ritual practice and that you are capable of living your best life at choice. Gaia's medicines can act as catalyst of your evolution if you approach with love and respect with the right initial guidance. My life had prove these statements to be tangible possibilities. 

Through my whole life I've felt an urge to awakening. Like if I were in a type of training guided through something far bigger than what human mind can grasper. 

I have been wired as a healer for many life times. I remember I came to Earth many eras ago in order to have a human experience of Ascension by learning how does Love feels in humanity. This remembrance allows me to work with different types of energies to fulfil my purpose: Harmonize bodies of Waters through Sacred work with the Medicines of Gaia, Sacred work with the Medicine Wheel and the constant guidance of my guides, the Ascended Masters.

Emotion means Energy in Motion. The Mastery of your energy comes through becoming Observer of your energies, Learning to release those is essential for a enjoyable and wealthy life not just for you but for all your Planet. We are all connected. Einstein called this effect as Entangled Particles. What was together One day forever will Be. I called this the hummimbird effect. The flapping of this beautiful bird in one extreme of Gaia will create an effect in the other end. The fascinating field of Quantum Physics confirms this reality every day a little more. Still, Shamanic and Buddhist traditions have explored different states of consciousness guided by a transcendental impulse of Knowing Thyself. Regardless of the name you resonate with, there is a common essence that connects us all.  Finding your own way back to the infinite source of Love allows you to flourish in all aspects of your life.

Sometimes when there are blockages in specific areas: Relationships, Abundance, Purpose, is because we need to resolve something at an energetic level. Sometimes Ancestral healing is required to release the soul to its higher outcome. When this is addressed a new level of our own experience is unblocked and we can open more fully to receive more of our own essence. 

 The way in which I operate is as a Heart Centered Heart Activator. The resonance I channel will accompany the energy work we'll do together. I am prepared to offer many ways for you to heal to upgrade the relationship with yourself and others. This can be done in individual healing sessions with or without medicines of Gaia, Energy Transmissions, Ceremony and/or the commitment of a period of working together through my coaching program, offered to a limited number of individuals per month.

The sessions I offer are an invitation to reconnect with your own Magic through Nature Connection and Creative Expression in a Sacred space that I'll unconditionally hold for you to heal and release whatever is blocking the higher expression of yourself. 

Some of my trainings, studies, experiences, reflecting my heart in fire for Consciousness

I keep training every day to serve my community in the best of my ability


After an initial consultation, I'll create a healing plan for you

I work in close communion with numbers

The Universe communicate in numbers and those are frequency, vibration beyond quantity

I offer healing sessions in packages in session of 5, 8, 9 and 13. Commiting to a number of sessions is benefitial for the evolution of your healing journey as you decide to invest in your future self you are already creating it.

** My rate per 121 session outside the commitment of a healing container is £158 including the medicine for the session when needed. A healing session with me will offer you a combination of healing techniques including Art therapy, movement, ancestral healing, and ther disciplines designed to support you into releasing, relaxation and further activation of your cosmic DNA. This can go from 90 min up to 3h depending in what we are working through

In case you want to commit to a time for us to work together. You can either choose the number of sessions that feels in aligment or you can take my suggested healing plan

If you chose to pay your sessions in blocks you have different options:

  • Empowerment Package: 5 Sessions + 500g of my Ceremonially co-created Cacao Paste + 100g of Cacao Husk in your personal Ceremony box bambo made to carry your medicines £750

  • Cocoon of Transformation Package of 8 Sessions + 750g of my Ceremonially co-created Cacao Paste + 200g of Cacao Husk in your personal Ceremony box bambo made to carry your medicines £1160

  • Womb of Gestation Package of 9 Sessions + 1kl of my Ceremonially co-created Cacao Paste + 300g of Cacao Husk in your personal Ceremony box bambo made to carry your medicines £1300

Here are some clients testimonials 

It was an amazing magical experience to connect with my Nahuatl. 

Deeper understandings, miraculous synchronicities and great confirmations arose in that sacred space. Maria’s knowledges, wisdom and intuition were precious friends on the path. A profound unique journey that I recommend to anyone calling to connect deeper within. And beyond. 

With gratitude,

Johanne, France

Discovering Maria Fatme on this path is something I can simply describe as an absolutely magical process. Each of our sessions together are shaped by unconditional love and lots of teachings. Thank you Maria for being so patient with my process. For holding space for me, for being my mirror and reflecting all your knowledge. I can only say infinite times thank you and blessings surround you always. Keep shining today and forever.

Carolina, Ecuador.

I was in a dark moment in my life. Without having a guide or an explanation to understand what the strong life lesson was trying to tell me with all the events happening in my life. Until coincidentally recounting that with an old friend, she told me about the energy blockages and recommended Maria. I was skeptical at the first but I contact her. After a few hours of speaking with Maria, she proposed a plan to work with me. I did not understand at first how the physical plane was linked to the energetic until I experienced it shortly after with Maria´s guidance. She managed to vanish those energetic and mental blocks that I had charged for so long, making life begin to flow like water. This is undoubtedly one of the strangest but constructive experiences I have had in my life. I now have a stable job and, among other things, I owe it to Maria and her great wisdom with the astral world.

Jessica, Ecuador.

I’ve been using Maria’s services for a while, doing reiki therapy and participating to Cacao ceremonies either in a private setting or as part of a group. I’ve learnt a lot about myself in that process and I can say that she is a true born healer. Her energy-therapy and cacao ceremony helped me to open up and to self discover. Cacao’s benefits and reiki are countless. She is also working with different plant medicines that have great health benefits. She is an excellent guide and an amazing teacher to work with. Her knowledge on energy healing and ancestral connections, as well as her south American heritage is enhancing the wonderful experience and the healing journey.

Luiza, UK.

Hello, my name is Javier Ortiz singer of ONE PACHANGA and I want to express my experience with the Medicinal Session with Maria. Plant Medicine can help you with emotional and physical problems as you will be able to release stagnated energy due to trauma. I was suffering with much back pain and during the session I had many understandings about it, Maria helped me moving the energy with Reiki as well. Therefore, it was an enriching experience in every sense since it opened many new doorways that I could not see before. Also I felt my creative power illuminated much more after our session. I recover from ailments my back and also the state of mind and humor. In a few words I return to my natural essence thanks for feeding my soul and through Mother Earth Spirit and thanks to María Fatme for giving me the opportunity to open up to this magical and so healing experience.

Javier, Colombia

I've found the Shamanic healing is very unique from other types of body/mind healing, because it uses an alternative state of consciousness to enter the invisible world, which are the spiritual, emotional, mental, mythical, archetypal and dream work. 

I was feeling very comfortable with Maria from the day one, when I met her during online cacao ceremony. She was saying her prayers and they were arising from her heart; she was genuinely doing it with her eyes closed for about 1 hour and a half, which made me truly believe in her higher spiritual state and positive intentions.  Maria is a sensitive, caring, healthy, extremely empathetic healer and has a real passion for helping others. I felt no judgment toward me or other people, I was able to be open about my problems and feelings.  She works from calm, quiet and relaxing environment. 

I was guided to break my old unhealthy patterns of behaviour, to overcome stagnant energy, which was blocking me from progressing in life. Each session/ceremony helped to find my own connection with nature within and around me. Because I released many unwanted emotions, I managed to lose weight easily by eating less. I discovered the power of writing for my healing, the power of creativity in everyday life. 

I have been guided on the healing journey using beautiful tools and rituals, as journaling, movement, sounds of my voice, dance, music, painting, plants, crystals, breathwork. I worked with my emotional traumas, which was very hard, but with Maria's support daily in between sessions and loads of useful easy techniques at home I now know what I want and am awakening up every day. 

I found my inner power and continue to heal. 

Natasha, UK.

Got questions to decide if we are a fit to work together? Ask Here