Let me be your Medicinal guide
Retreat with me, other medicine facilitators and 13 participants Souls to deepen your experience of Heart Energy

Testimonials from our Retreat Guests

Treating my human family is A dream made reality


My Healing path began inside my Womb. Through the Alchemy of my deepest wounds, I unravelled my Soul Mastery.

An embodiment of Cosmic Dust we are, fractals of the universe calling us to remember our creative power. Master Plants are wise elders holding space for our transformation. I am passionate about expression and education as mediums for Social Evolution. I enjoy sharing ancient wisdom and easy ways to work with Metaphysics for the highest purpose of Planetary Ascension.


CACAO Artivist. Psychodelic Coach Chemical Engineer, MSc. Mindfulness Studies. Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism teacher

Your human heart is an electromagnetic organ perfectly designed to be magnetic, to attract beauty and expansive medicine that supports you in becoming your highest Self embodiment. My work evolves around a Shamanic perception of reality, a Tantric approach to awakening and a dynamic model of Spirituality encouraging you to be your Wildest self.

If we are a match for each other. I'll be your guide, sister and mentor, inspiring you and sharing ancient tools and technologies for you to learn how to embrace your gifts, how to step into your dreams,trust and allow yourself to receive more love through your willingness to transform

Offering yourself a 121 transformational retreat allows you intimate space for transformation while being held in my Retreat Space at my native Ecuador. Depending on the motive of your quest, there are different journeys available to heal, retreat, transform and expand your medicinal path with me. All journeys include herbal baths and cleanse as well as medicinal ceremonies to deepen your healing in a safe and trained container.

My Healing path began inside my Womb, first coaching women into the Feminine Mysteries, expanding to couples and then coaching men through their embodiment of Feminine and Masculine energies.

Experiencing a childhood of profound disconnection was my initiation. At 5 years old as the daughter of a single mama who decided to migrate early on, a teenager of continuous depression, my Spiritual call has continuously been my healing. I believe that our humanity has the full potential to evolve by consciously working with Master Plants, Weeds and Ancestral traditions. Shamanism provides an organic and grounded space to explore our spiritual nature as we remember our Oneness.


Menstrual Artist and Womb healer. Couples Coach and Medicine Facilitator. Chemical Engineer. Energy teacher infusing wild spirituality and science

Within the blind quest of healing sexual abuse, I became a Menstrual therapist. Different Healing Arts have been my support to remember who I am.

My Human Story

Your Spirit is Wild, Free by Nature..

How you choose to move through life creates your Reality..

My Soul is here to hold space for transformation, Plant Medicines are the family I love sharing with my human tribe
Do you have questions about how my work can support your evolution? Write it below